Клавишни комбинации за Windows 11

След месеци на програмата за вътрешна информация за Windows 11 , тя вече е достъпна за своите потребители. (Windows 11)Snap оформления, Widgets, центрирано меню " Старт ", приложения за (Start)Android и много други ви помагат да бъдете по-продуктивни и да спестите време. За да ви помогне да работите по-бързо и по-ефективно, тази операционна система включва някои нови клавишни комбинации заедно с традиционните преки пътища от Windows 10 . Има комбинации за пряк път за практически всичко, от достъп до настройка и изпълнение на команди в командния ред до превключване между оформления на моментни пътеки и отговор на диалогов прозорец. В статията ви представихме изчерпателно ръководство за всички клавишни комбинации(Keyboard Shortcuts) , които някога ще ви трябват в Windows 11.

Клавишни комбинации за Windows 11

Клавишни комбинации и бързи клавиши за Windows 11(Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys)

Клавишните комбинации в Windows 11 може да ви помогнат да спестите време и да свършите нещата по-бързо. Освен това(Furthermore) , извършването на операции с единично или множество натискания на клавиши е по-удобно от щракване и превъртане безкрайно.

Въпреки че запомнянето на всичко това може да изглежда плашещо, не забравяйте да овладеете само онези клавишни комбинации на Windows 11, от които се нуждаете най-често.

1. Нововъведени преки пътища – Използване на клавиш на Windows
(1. Newly Introduced Shortcuts – Using Windows Key )

Меню с джаджи Win 11

Windows + W Open up the Widgets pane.
Windows + A Toggle up the Quick Settings.
Windows + N Bring up the Notification Centre.
Windows + Z Open the Snap Layouts flyout.
Windows + C Open Teams Chat app from Taskbar.

2. Клавишни комбинации – Продължение от Windows 10
(2. Keyboard Shortcuts – Continued from Windows 10 )

Ctrl + A Select all contents
Ctrl + C Copy the selected items
Ctrl + X Cut the selected items
Ctrl + V Paste the copied or cut items
Ctrl + Z Undo an action
Ctrl + Y Redo an action
Alt + Tab Switch between the running applications
Windows + Tab Open Task View
Alt + F4 Close the active app or If you are on Desktop, open the Shutdown box
Windows + L Lock your computer.
Windows + D Display and hide the desktop.
Ctrl + Delete Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
Shift + Delete Delete the selected item permanently.
PrtScn or Print Capture a full screenshot and save it in the clipboard.
Windows + Shift + S Capture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch.
Windows + X Open Start button context menu.
F2 Rename selected item.
F5 Refresh the active window.
F10 Open Menu bar in the current app.
Alt + Left arrow Go back.
Alt + Left arrow Go forward.
Alt + Page Up Move up one screen
Alt + Page Down Move down one screen
Ctrl + Shift + Esc Open Task Manager.
Windows + P Project a screen.
Ctrl + P Print the current page.
Shift + Arrow keys Select more than one item.
Ctrl + S Save the current file.
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As
Ctrl + O Open a file in the current app.
Alt + Esc Cycle through the apps on the taskbar.
Alt + F8 Display your password on the login screen
Alt + Spacebar Open the shortcut menu for the current window
Alt + Enter Open properties for the selected item.
Alt + F10 Open the context menu (right-click menu) for the selected item.
Windows + R Open Run command.
Ctrl + N Open a new program window of the current app
Windows + Shift + S Take a screen clipping
Windows + I Open Windows 11 settings
Backspace Go back to the Settings home page
Esc Stop or close the current task
F11 Enter/Exit the full-screen mode
Windows + period (.) or Windows + semicolon (;) Launch Emoji keyboard

Прочетете също: (Also Read:) Поправете забавянето на въвеждането на клавиатурата в Windows 10(Fix keyboard Input lag in Windows 10)

3. Клавишни комбинации на работния плот(3. Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts)

Как да актуализирате приложения на Windows 11

Window logo key (Win) Open Start menu
Ctrl + Shift Switch keyboard layout
Alt + Tab View all open apps
Ctrl + Arrow keys + Spacebar Select more than one item on the desktop
Windows + M Minimize all open windows
Windows + Shift + M Maximize all minimized windows on the desktop.
Windows + Home Minimize or maximize all but the active window
Windows + Left Arrow Key Snap the current app or window to the Left
Windows + Right Arrow Key Snap the current app or window to the Right.
Windows + Shift + Up arrow key Stretch the active window to the top and bottom of the screen.
Windows + Shift + Down arrow key Restore or minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width.
Windows + Tab Open Desktop view
Windows + Ctrl + D Add a new virtual desktop
Windows + Ctrl + F4 Close the active virtual desktop.
Win key + Ctrl + Right arrow Toggle or switch to the virtual desktops you have created on the Right
Win key + Ctrl + Left arrow Toggle or switch to the virtual desktops you have created on the Left
CTRL + SHIFT while dragging icon or file Create a shortcut
Windows + S or Windows + Q Open Windows Search
Windows + Comma (,) Take a peek look at the desktop until you release the WINDOWS key.

Прочетете също: (Also Read:) C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Desktop is Unavailable: Fixed

4. Клавишни комбинации в лентата на задачите(4. Taskbar Keyboard Shortcuts)

лентата на задачите на windows 11

Ctrl + Shift + Left Click app button or icon Run an app as administrator from the taskbar
Windows + 1 Open the app in the first position on your taskbar.
Windows + Number (0 – 9) Open the app in the number position from the taskbar.
Windows + T Cycle through apps in the taskbar.
Windows + Alt + D View Date and Time from the taskbar
Shift + Left Click app button Open another instance of an app from the taskbar.
Shift + Right-click grouped app icon Show the window menu for the group apps from the taskbar.
Windows + B Highlight the first item in the Notification Area and use the Arrow key switch between the item
Alt + Windows key + number keys Open the application menu on the taskbar

Прочетете също: (Also Read: )Поправете трептене на лентата на задачите на Windows 10(Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering)

5. Клавишна пряк път на File Explorer(5. File Explorer Keyboard Shortcut)

File Explorer windows 11

Windows + E Open the File Explorer.
Ctrl + E Open the search box in the file explorer.
Ctrl + N Open the current window in a new window.
Ctrl + W Close active window.
Ctrl + M Start the mark mode
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Change the file and folder view.
F6 Switch between left and right panes
Ctrl + Shift + N Create a new folder.
Ctrl + Shift + E Expand all subfolders in the navigation pane on the left.
Alt + D Select the address bar of the File Explorer.
Ctrl + Shift + Number (1-8) Changes folder view.
Alt + P Display the preview panel.
Alt + Enter Open the Properties settings for the selected item.
Num Lock + plus (+) Expand the selected drive or folder
Num Lock + minus (-) Collapse the selected drive or folder.
Num Lock + asterisk (*) Expand all the subfolders under the selected drive or folder.
Alt + Right arrow Go to the next folder.
Alt + Left arrow (or Backspace) Go to the previous folder
Alt + Up arrow Go to the parent folder the folder was in.
F4 Switch focus to address bar.
F5 Refresh the File Explorer
Right Arrow key Expand the current folder tree or select the first subfolder (if it is expanded) in the left pane.
Left Arrow Key Collapse the current folder tree or select the parent folder (if it is collapsed) in the left pane.
Home Move to the top of the active window.
End Move to the bottom of the active window.

Прочетете също: (Also Read:) Как да скриете последните файлове и папки в Windows 11(How to Hide Recent Files and Folders on Windows 11)

6. Клавишни комбинации в командния ред(6. Keyboard Shortcuts in Command Prompt)

командния ред

Ctrl + Home Scroll to the top of the Command Prompt (cmd).
Ctrl + End Scroll to the bottom of the cmd.
Ctrl + A Select everything on the current line
Page Up Move the cursor up a page
Page Down Move the cursor down a page
Ctrl + M Enter Mark mode.
Ctrl + Home (in Mark mode) Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer.
Ctrl + End (in Mark mode) Move the cursor to the end of the buffer.
Up or Down arrow keys Cycle through command history of active session
Left or Right arrow keys Move cursor left or right in the current command line.
Shift + Home Move your cursor to the start of the current line
Shift + End Move your cursor to the end of the current line
Shift + Page Up Move the cursor up one screen and select text.
Shift + Page Down Move cursor down one screen and select text.
Ctrl + Up arrow Move the screen up one line in the output history.
Ctrl + Down arrow Move the screen down one line in the output history.
Shift + Up Move the cursor up one line and select the text.
Shift + Down Move the cursor down one line and select the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys Move the cursor one word at a time.
Ctrl + F Open search for Command Prompt.

7. Клавишни комбинации за диалогов прозорец(7. Dialog Box Keyboard Shortcuts)

стартиране на диалогов прозорец

Ctrl + Tab Move forward through tabs.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Move back through tabs.
Ctrl + N (number 1–9) Switch to nth tab.
F4 Show the items in the active list.
Tab Move forward through options of the dialog box
Shift + Tab Move back through options of the dialog box
Alt + underlined letter Execute the command (or select the option) that is used with the underlined letter.
Spacebar Check or uncheck the check box if the active option is a check box.
Arrow keys Select or move to a button in a group of active buttons.
Backspace Open the parent folder if a folder is selected in the Open or Save As dialog box.

Прочетете също(Also Read) : Как да изключите гласа на разказвача в Windows 10(How to Turn off Narrator Voice in Windows 10)

8. Клавишни комбинации за достъпност(8. Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility)

Екран за достъпност Win 11

Windows + U Open Ease of Access Centre
Windows + plus (+) Turn on Magnifier and Zoom in
Windows + minus (-) Zoom out using Magnifier
Windows + Esc Exit Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + D Switch to docked mode in Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + F Switch to full-screen mode in Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + L Switch to lens mode in Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + I Invert colors in Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + M Cycle through views in Magnifier
Ctrl + Alt + R Resize the lens with the mouse in Magnifier.
Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys Pan in the direction of the arrow keys in the Magnifier.
Ctrl + Alt + mouse scroll Zoom in or out using mouse
Windows + Enter Open Narrator
Windows + Ctrl + O Open on-screen keyboard
Press Right Shift for eight seconds Turn Filter Keys on and off
Left Alt + left Shift + PrtSc Turn High Contrast on or off
Left Alt + left Shift + Num Lock Turn Mouse Keys on or off
Press Shift five times Turn Sticky Keys on or off
Press Num Lock for five seconds Turn Toggle Keys on or off
Windows + A Open Action Center

Прочетете също: (Also Read:) Изключете или заключете Windows с помощта на клавишни комбинации(Shut Down or Lock Windows Using Keyboard Shortcuts)

9. Други често използвани бързи клавиши
(9. Other Commonly Used Hotkeys )

xbox игрална лента с прозорец за заснемане в windows 11

Windows + G Open Game bar
Windows + Alt + G Record the last 30 seconds of the active game
Windows + Alt + R Start or stop recording the active game
Windows + Alt + PrtSc Take a screenshot of the active game
Windows + Alt + T Show/hide recording timer of the game
Windows + forward-slash (/) Start IME reconversion
Windows + F Open Feedback Hub
Windows + H Launch Voice Typing
Windows + K Open the Connect quick setting
Windows + O Lock your device orientation
Windows + Pause Display the System Properties Page
Windows + Ctrl + F Search for PCs (if you are on a network)
Windows + Shift + Left or Right arrow key Move an app or window from one monitor to another
Windows + Spacebar Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows + V Open Clipboard History
Windows + Y Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop.
Windows + C Launch Cortana app
Windows + Shift + Number key (0-9) Open another instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.
Windows + Ctrl + Number key (0-9) Switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.
Windows + Alt + Number key (0-9) Open Jump List of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.
Windows + Ctrl + Shift + Number key (0-9) Open another instance as an administrator of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position.

Препоръчва се:(Recommended:) 

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About the author

Аз съм компютърен специалист с над 10 години опит в областта на браузърите, Microsoft office и onedrive. Специализирам се в уеб разработка, изследване на потребителския опит и разработка на широкомащабни приложения. Моите умения се използват от някои от водещите световни компании, включително Google, Facebook и Apple.

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